Career & Technical Education
Career Technical Education (CTE) engages students in dynamic, hands-on learning experiences that result in the mastery of specific career and academic skills, preparing them for success after high school whether they pursue higher education or immediately enter the workforce.
Career Exploration
All incoming freshmen at Nathan Hale-Ray take a career exploratory course designed to introduce them to CTE goals and learning experiences and to help them acclimate to the rigors of high school. In this class, students briefly explore each of our career pathways to determine what area of study they’d like to pursue.
Juniors and seniors develop soft-skills and workplace experience in our CTE Career Exploration course. Through the course, NHRHS helps place students who are considering careers in engineering technology, family and consumer science, agricultural science and technology, or business and finance technology into internships throughout the community.
Space is limited. Interested students should speak with their CTE teacher as soon as possible.
Available Pathways
Part of our job at NHRHS is to help prepare students for the workforce by making connections between school and the real world. These connections start with career clusters and course pathways.
A career cluster is a group of related occupations that share common features or use similar skills. Each career cluster offers course suggestions or pathways students can pursue to make the most of their high school years. We offer the following:
- Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts & Communication
- Business Management
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law & Public Safety
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- STEM Degrees
- Transportation & Logistics